Journaling To Glow From The Inside Out

Journaling To Glow From The Inside Out

Why am I talking about Journaling? What does that have to do with makeup? Well it doesn’t have to do with makeup but it sure has something to do with beauty. JAIMES is all about finding your glow; while makeup can help us enhance our glow, there is nothing like glowing from the inside out. In this blog post I will talk about journaling and provide some journaling prompts if you’re just getting started! 

Journaling is a powerful tool for improving mental health. It provides a safe and private space to express and process emotions, thoughts, and experiences. As you write, you gain insight into your feelings, more effectively than surface level/ day to day thinking. Journaling also promotes self-reflection and self-awareness, allowing individuals to identify patterns and areas for improvement and personal growth. Moreover, it serves as a form of self-care, providing a therapeutic outlet for emotions and serving as a source of comfort and support. 

Aside from gaining mental clarity, it is so fun to read back on a certain experience from your life and remember exactly what it felt like because you wrote it down!

I recommend buying a journal with a lock on it. It allows me to feel completely safe in what I’m writing because I am assured I am the only one who will see it! 

Getting Started:


  1. What is one thing that would significantly improve my life if I started doing it today? What would significantly improve my life if I stopped doing it today?
  2. What is your most recent happy memory? How can you carry that happiness in your everyday life?
  3. What goals have you set for yourself that have not been achieved. Why haven't you achieved them?
  4. Spend 10 minutes envisioning your dream life/ dream self. Write 5 things you can start doing to move towards that path?
  5. When am I the hardest on myself? Where does it come from?
  6. What are your core values? How do these values influence your decisions and actions?
  7. What are 5 inner traits that you admire in others, that you would like to embody more of?
  8. Describe a time when you felt completely in alignment with your true self. What were you doing? How did it make you feel?
  9. Reflect on a relationship that is important to you. How does this relationship impact your life? What can you do to improve it?

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to journaling. The goal is to explore your thoughts and emotions honestly and authentically. Enjoy!

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